I love when a piece of music surprises me. Using services like Pandora and Spotify for music recommendations is nice, but I already know what they’re going to suggest to me: something that I will probably like because it sounds similar to what I’m already listening to. When something comes out of left field that I never expected it’s always exciting, whether I love it or hate it. If it weren’t for the thrill of the unexpected I would probably still be exclusively listening to the same ska music I rocked out to when I was 14.

I wanted to have that experience at the click of a button. And I wanted it from bandcamp because I am a fan of the site and because it has tons of very strange and very unknown stuff on it. Since I couldn’t find a “Random Band” button on their site I just whipped up a tiny little script using the amazing python library BeautifulSoup that would navigate to a random band’s page for me. It’s pretty fun! Check it out.