I really enjoy traveling. Being in the United States and not having a ton of extended periods of free time, most of my traveling takes place within the country. So you would think that I would have a firm grasp on my own country’s geography. Sadly, this was not entirely the case; it turns out the midwest is sort of a mass of nondescript squares and rectangles, and I wasn’t able to identify them. But that’s okay; once you open your eyes to your ignorance, you can see if for what it is: an open door to adventure!

In order to aid me in my adventure, I wanted to make a tool that would help me memorize all of the states and their capitals (and remind me that the states all have their own flags, too; how adorable). Thus, the US Geography Quiz was born.

Almost everything I said in my explanation of my World Geography Quiz applies here. It was built using javascript, datamaps, and d3.js. The rules and options are also all the same for the most part as well.