A long time ago now, a friend of mine asked me to help make them a site that they could just upload files/links to in order to showcase their writing. I built a super-simple webpage that used miso.js to pull info from a Google Sheet that they had filled with data, and that worked just fine for a while.

But this friend wanted to learn a little html and css on his own just as I noticed the Miso Project’s online presence sort of disappeared, so I thought it would be fun to apply my newly acquired knowledge of jekyll to rebuild his website, also using it as an opportunity to teach him.

The site is pretty much as vanilla as can be, relying entirely on jekyll’s built-in post functionality rather than using custom collections. Each post has a category that matches with the items in the sidebar (poetry, essays, reviews, etc.), and then the category pages just use a basic liquid “where” filter to only show posts of that type. All in all it took a night to build with a friend, which I consider a night doubly well-spent!